SF New Tech (November)

Posted on November 8, 2007

SF New Tech LogoSorry I didn’t get an announcement up for this ahead of time, but we presented Devicescape last night at November’s SF New “Mobile” Tech, at the Mighty last night.

I’d like to extend our thanks to Myles for organising the event, despite being no more than a few days away from becoming a father, and also to all the folks in the audience who already had Devicescape installed on their iPhones, iPod touches, Nokia phones, tablets and other mobile devices. It was amazing to see people hold up iPhones/iPods with the Devicescape UI open when I asked how many had Wi-Fi enabled mobile devices!

Also want to mention my co-presenters for the night:

It was great to see so many folks embracing mobile, something that Devicescape is committed to making simpler for people to use everyday, everywhere.
