Slacker Partners with Devicescape

Posted on April 2, 2008

Slacker Logo
Slacker, Inc, the maker of the new Slacker Internet Radio Service and the Slacker Portable Player, today released a new and improved version of their firmware that integrates Devicescape Connect.

Nice – you say, but what does this mean?

Well, for Slacker Portable owners this is pretty cool news. Now they have far more places out there in the world where their radios can refresh on Wi-Fi and get them fast access to more songs and other content.

One blogger puts it simply:

“Yaaay! Devicescape now on Slacker devices”

For other device manufacturers and the network operators, this marriage between two California start-ups with innovative new technologies signals the coming of a new era of connected device – and some potentially disruptive forces in the field.

As consumers come to expect to be able to access content and services from any device, everywhere they go – manufacturers will continue to add fast and easy Wi-Fi access to every device they make. We are beginning to see this already on Smartphones – and now with Slacker and the iPhone and iPod touch – we have some new devices that really take advantage of and grow the love for Wi-Fi and always on access. And the network operators are poised to benefit greatly from these new devices joining their networks.

Some industry experts out there claim that it takes a start-up to change the world. Imagine what can happen when you combine two.

Exciting things are on the horizon in the world of devices… let the revolution begin!